Two Politico alums — Tara Palmeri and Marc Caputo –dropped a bombshell about how their old employer mandated bias by omission on Hunter Biden in 2020. Their „cowardly editors“ made „dumb decisions“!
On the podcast hosted by Palmeri (now at the media-news site Puck), Caputo explained „I was covering Biden at the time, and I remember coming to my editor and saying, ‘Hey, we need to write about the Hunter Biden laptop.’ And I was told this came from on high at Politico: Don’t write about the laptop, don’t talk about the laptop, don’t tweet about the laptop. And the only thing Politico wound up writing was that piece that called it disinformation, which charitably could be called misinformation, at the least.“
They only touched it once it was time to follow the Biden campaign’s orders and that piece came from Natasha Bertrand (now at CNN), under the headline “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.” These are the 51 officials organized by the Biden campaign, Democrats and Trump-hating Republicans. This group was organized by Antony Blinken, who became Secretary of State after this helped Biden get elected.
Palmeri said she worked for three months nailing down the story of Hunter Biden acquiring a gun and then that gun being thrown in a trash can near a school. She wondered it if wouldn’t have been delayed if not for it being a Biden story.
Then Caputo added: „In 2019, a rival presidential Democratic campaign of Joe Biden’s gave to me the tax lien — the oppo research — the tax lien on Hunter Biden for the period of time that he worked at Burisma. And I wrote what would have been a classic story saying, you know, ‘The former vice president’s son was slapped with a big tax lien for the period of time that he worked for this controversial Ukrainian oil concern, or natural gas concern, which is haunting his father on the campaign trail.‘ That story was killed by the editors…and they gave no explanation for that either.“
The media worked hand in glove with Democrats to suppress facts, not report them. Reporters don’t win prestigious prizes like the Pulitzer for exposing Democrats. Newspapers won Pulitzers by attacking Donald Trump and his taxes, or Trump and unfounded allegations of Russian collusion to win in 2016.
Enjoy the podcast below, or wherever you listen to podcasts.